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join us for another epic summer at Clarko Reserve!

Join us

We are always looking for new salty stalls to join our incredible community. We often have a waitlist of 400+ stalls for our events, but don’t let that deter you! Our passion is supporting values-aligned, local salty entrepreneurs and start-ups that are committed to doing good in the world. If we believe you’re a fit for our event, we will do everything we can to support you in having a stall at our markets (even if you’ve never done a market stall before in your life!).

Interested in becoming a volunteer?

Love what what’re about and want to get a mongst it? Volunteering is not only an amazing way to develop skills and confidence, but it is also an amazing way to join a community of like-minded folk.

Would you like to partner with us?

Interested in working together towards our goals and objectives? We are open to hearing about your story and your ideas for collaboration

If you share the same passions as us on community building and sustainable living, we would love to chat. Open to everyone – businesses, community organisations, not-for-profits, creatives and artists.

application form